Thursday, March 24, 2011

Best Buds

 I have been really lucky that Mila and Emmitt LOVE to be with each other. They have so much fun playing and laughing together. I love hearing them giggle in the next room!

 Ok. I just love this picture of Mila! It is so funny! She still has the chubbiest face. She was way chubbier than Emmitt is. I guess he is way more active way earlier than she was, too. Maybe that's partly why. I don't know.

 So sweet :) I must admit, my faith that Mila will ever have hair on the sides of her head is beginning to waver. I keep having to cut the back to keep the mullet under control.

 Sometimes I put Emmitt in the high chair while I cook, and Mila will then drag it over to her little table and play with him. They were playing with Guess Who pieces. Emmitt ate so many of the little cards that we threw the game away.

 Mila got into the colanders one day and thought they made fun hats. She made sure Emmitt got a chance to try on

1 comment:

  1. Ohhh....that's too cute. I am so glad that Emmitt has warmed up to his sister, and that she isn't trying to attack him anymore...or is she?
    We miss all of you.
