Sunday, August 14, 2011

The Most Constant Thing in Life is Change...

And how our life has changed! Good changes though!
Change #1: Today Sam was ordained as a High Priest and set apart as the 2nd counselor in our ward's bishopric. I think it's kind of funny that I just made Sam's Priesthood Line of Authority for his birthday which will now have to be changed completely. This will be such a great opportunity for Sam to serve the Lord and the members of our ward. Lucky for him, he served in a single's ward bishopric in Virginia which is a good introduction to this calling. Oddly enough, my dad is the 1st counselor. I never thought that my dad and my husband would be in a bishopric together. I miss having his help with the children in sacrament meeting already!
Change #2: Sam will also be starting a new job this week with Honeywell Aerospace! He totally was not looking for another job, but this opportunity came along and was too good to pass up. We are completely stoked because this job is better in every way--better pay, benefits, vacation, retirement, etc. He wasn't even going to apply because he thought maybe he should work for his other company longer, and it really would be a miracle for him to get the job. The more we thought about it, we just thought he should give it a try. The worst thing that could happen would be that he wouldn't get the job, but since he already had a job it wouldn't be the end of the world. Miracle of miracles happened, and he got the job! I think Heavenly Father was pre-blessing us since He knew that Sam was going to be called into the Bishopric :)
So, things have changed unexpectedly again for us in this wild and crazy land of Ohio.   


  1. Congratulations to Sam! We are excited for you guys. I have to admit I kind of chuckled when I found out that he was called to the bishopric. Wow! (maybe we don't want to move out there...????) just kidding. And that's so awesome about the great! LOve you guys!

  2. so whos the bishop? so fun for your little family. miss you

  3. How are we living parallel lives? Nate was called as the 2nd counselor in the bishopric almost that exact same Sunday. Weird! We need to come see you guys soon!!!! Congrats on the new job, that is so exciting.
