Wednesday, October 26, 2011

The Crazy Kiddos

It's always fun (and frustrating too) to see what the kids think up. I'm so glad I get to stay home with them. I would hate to miss all of this! 
Well, maybe not this...
Poor Mila. We were at my mom's and Mila was playing with the cousins in the basement. She said she fell and hit her mouth on a chair. Luckily, my sister saw her first and cleaned her up. She said there was a ton of blood. I'm not sure I would have handled it too well. I think I would have freaked out. Her front teeth were uneven like this for a few days, but they have pretty much gone back to normal. 

Emmitt decided that dumping the cereal on the floor would help him find the marshmallows easier. Annoying but funny.

Our cabinets hadn't been put up in the kitchen yet. The kids had so much fun playing in them! They would play with them like they were little houses. They would knock on the door to each others houses and go visit. Really cute!

Enjoying a snack in the corner cabinet.
And Emmitt is a total climber now. I'm not too happy about it.

Caylee, Mila, and Conlon got into Grandma's makeup...again. This time Mila also put lotion in her hair.

Playing naptime.

Searching for the middle of the day.

The Mila and Emmitt Club. No mommy allowed.

Watching Dad work.

Worn out. Getting into mischief is tiring.
How do they sleep like this?


  1. Your kids are officially my favorite kids. hahaha they are so funny!

  2. Poor Mila! I'm glad that her teeth went back. Her hair is getting so cute! I want to see pictures of your house! I bet you love it!
