Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Life With Emmitt, Part 2

Emmitt loves to play with the oven. It drives me crazy, but it worries me more. I'm so scared he'll burn himself badly. He doesn't usually mess with it when it's on, and I'm usually watching closely, but we all know how sneaky kids are. He has put all sorts of stuff in there when it's off. Because of this, I have melted a number of things when I turn it on. I try to remember to look if there's anything in there, but it doesn't always happen when I'm in a rush. These are a few of the sad victims...

This was the first time. A few minutes into preheating, I smelled something like melted crayons. This is what I found. Well, this is after I removed the rapidly melting sippy cup. The bluish color is from the sippy, and the clear stuff is my measuring cup.

 There was a sippy full of milk with the handles completely melted off and the bottom going fast. This was a beast to clean. Our oven's broiler is in the bottom drawer, and this stuff melted all the way down into it. There's still some residue from it in the oven. At least I got to it before the milk got everywhere too, I guess.

 No more using my 1 cup measuring cup! This was really easy to clean up. Once I loosened the edges it popped right up.

This plush stacking block fared much better. I remembered to look shortly after I turned on the oven. I wonder what would have happened had it been in longer?

This is one of the children's play spoons. It used to be light blue. I have yet to really clean this one up. I just can't bring myself to do it.
If anyone has any good tips on cleaning charred plastic from the oven, I obviously need them. This problem has slowed a lot, but I have a feeling I will have a few more melted surprises thanks to my Emmitt. With all this interest in the oven maybe he'll be a chef? Perhaps I should capitalize on this and teach him how to make dinner. 


  1. Oh my gosh. What a pain! Maybe line the bottom with foil so all you have to do is pull that out when something melts....???

  2. that's pretty funny!! but I don't think I would be laughing while cleaning it haha

  3. Thanks for your posts. They made me laugh and put a huge smile on my face. Although my kids haven't done the oven thing. And I hope it never happens. Hehe

  4. I love it!!!! You're not laughing now, but trust me these are all memories in the making and well worth it! can you imagine if your kids were tame, there would be nothing to talk about of laugh.
