Saturday, August 18, 2012

Mila's Half Birthday

On Monday the 13th, we celebrated Mila's half birthday. We have been celebrating a lot of birthdays lately, and she is always sad that it's not hers. I had a couple little things for her that I had gotten really cheap, so I thought we could liven up a mundane Monday. She was so happy! She kept telling me all day that it was the best birthday EVER!

I blew up balloons to have on the floor in the living room when she woke up. They were left over from Valentine's Day when Sam and I were engaged, so I've had them forever. When she came out of her room, she saw them and asked me what the balloons were for. I said, "Happy half birthday!" She had the most confused look on her face for a second. Then I said it again, and she got really excited. She wasn't sure how old she was so she said, "Am I five or what? Or am I four?" 

Daddy brought home some special balloons after work.

It was FHE anyway, so I had Mila pick out our treat. We sang, "Happy half birthday to you..." and you know the rest.

I love making this cute girl happy!

P.S. We went to the zoo last Saturday. It was a cool, cloudy Saturday in August, and the zoo was completely packed. The parking lot was full so we had to park in a grass lot, which was also almost full. After we saw the tigers, the kids started pretending they were tigers. They were roaring and trying to climb up some rocks, and I could not get Emmitt to walk. So all these people were trying to avoid the kid that was roaring and climbing around on all fours. It was so funny!


  1. Fun! I might just have to steal your idea and do it with LIncoln. He has been talking about his birthday so much lately. And I've always debated on doing a half bday for him anyway since he is also February and the weather stinks then.

  2. You are such a fun mom! Your kids are so cute!
