Friday, January 10, 2014


November was a fun and busy month! We started the month off with making our annual Thanksgiving tree for FHE. This year's tree was a little different than the ones we've made before because I had the kids help a lot. I had one small pack of foam leaves, and then we traced and cut out the rest. Mila made a bunch of them! Only one of Emmitt's leaves actually made it to the tree because the rest he cut into shreds. Mila was thankful for yellow leaves, milk, and cozy beds and pillows among other things. Emmitt was thankful for his bike (his most prized posession), his buddies Jordan, Hyrum, and David, and blue (the color I'm guessing).
Mila had her first piano recital. It was so adorable! All of the students were still in the first level book so most of the songs were super short and barely sounded like songs. It was the shortest and cutest recital I've ever been to.
Mila played Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star and another song from her book. She did a great job! She's doing so well with piano and learning fast. Emmitt likes to have "pwano" practices too, and I'm often surprised at how close he comes to playing the songs he hears Mila practicing.
We traveled to Utah to spend Thanksgiving with the Trulock side of the family. The kids were great little travelers. It was so nice to get to see everyone since we hadn't visited in almost 2 years! We did get to see my family as well because my younger sister, Kelly, and her husband are living in Provo and they had their baby blessed on Thanksgiving Day and my parents and youngest sister, Tori, and oldest sister, Terra, came to town for it. I got to spend lots of time with Kelly and little Maggie and it was perfect.
We went to Nickel City and the kids had soooo much fun!
 All the "kids" :)
 My sister and her husband have a digital piano that the kids couldn't get enough of. Since it plays songs on its own, Emmitt would turn one on and play the keys along with it. He would bob his head with the beat, and I really think he thought he was playing.
 We HAD to go to the dino museum. The kids have talked about it since the last time we went.
 This picture is funny to me because Emmitt is studying the map.This kid loves maps so much. He draws his own maps all the time and he's always rolling up any papers he finds to look like maps.
 This time around Emmitt actually kept the sand in the water table instead of throwing handfuls of it on the floor. He was so happy!
Their dino creation.
Shark attack!
 On Thanksgiving Day Sam and his sister ran a 5K and got to wear these awesome hats during the race. These hats traveled all the way back to Pennsylvania with us. Emmitt still wears it a lot.
My brother-in-law, Andrew, and sweet baby Maggie. Andrew's mom made the blessing dress and it was so beautiful! 
 Our attempt at a Thanksgiving Day family picture. Didn't go well. Emmitt scratched his cheek while throwing a tantrum and refused to put down the tissue. And I just have the fantastic puffy pregnant look.
The kids with their cousins, Lucy and Sophie after a yummy Thanksgiving dinner.
 With Grandpa, Grandma, and Grandma's new puppy.
Our kids now want a puppy. A big N-O on that one.
We had to leave the day after Thanksgiving and head back to normal life.
It was sad saying goodbye to everyone and then having Sam go back to work the next day. That's always hard.
And that was November!

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