Saturday, May 14, 2011

Mother's Day

Truthfully, Mother's Day could have been better. Sam had to go in to work for a few hours before church, and I woke up very late. So I had to get myself and the kids ready in very little time. The whole day was just a little off after that. It was a nice day really, but I was just tired I think. It had been a busy weekend so by the time Sunday rolled around I was beat. Perhaps I always expect too much out of Mother's Day, but really it's pretty much just another day because you still have to deal with the same tantrums, messes, and hassles of every other day. Maybe that sounds a little cynical, but that's the reality. Sam was a dear though and let me have some quiet time after church to do as I pleased. Always appreciated. Rough Mother's Day aside, it truly is a joy to be a wife and mother and to be so completely involved in something so much bigger than myself. I'm grateful to Heavenly Father for allowing me to have this amazing experience!


  1. you are beautiful and your children are darling :o)

  2. This is a very good picture of you and Mila. I showed Bella this picture and she said aww Mila my best friend!! We miss you guys!
