Thursday, January 1, 2009

White Christmas

We had a beautiful white Christmas in Utah. This icicle was outside the family room window at Lee and Teressa's. It started out shorter and fatter, but by the last day it had reached all the way to the ground. It was taller than me!


  1. Yeah! I found your blog. Brian was excited to find out you guys had one. Thanks for stopping by the other night, it was fun to see you. Hopefully, our next visit can be a bit longer!

  2. i am making my blog private, if you would like access, please email me at and ill send you an invite


  3. Hi, It's rachel & Chad Smith...Sam's friends from highschool. I just saw your blog from Kira & Max's blog. Your baby girl is so cute!
    Our blog is private, but if you'd like me to send you an invite, let me know at
