Sunday, April 15, 2012

Mud Puddle Thoughts

I love being a mother, but there are moments when I absolutely love being a mother. My conversation with Mila on the way home from church today was one of them. It went like this...

MILA: (wearing new Easter sandals) Mom, I don't want to take the jewels off my sandals because they would be ruined. We shouldn't jump in mud puddles with our sandals because that will make our moms mad.
ME: I am your mom.
MILA: Well, what if it's an accident?
ME: Let's talk about what an accident would be. If I told you to stay out of the mud puddle, and then you went and jumped in, that would not be an accident. That would be being disobedient. If I told you to stay out of the mud puddle, and then you slipped and fell in, that would be an accident. I would not be mad about that. So do you understand what I'm saying?
MILA: YES! Mud puddles are slippery!

Not quite the message I was trying to get across. I love these conversations SO much!


  1. lol...too funny. I love the things kids say.

  2. hahaha. I can't wait until Evan starts having conversations with me

  3. haha, thats so cute! I know we havent seen you guys forever but I cant believe Mila is big enough to say all that! I still just picture her as a little tiny. Hooray for being moms!! :)

  4. I love this! I laughed out loud when I read it.
