Friday, May 11, 2012

Life at Dandelion Manor

My family has a bit of an obsession with British old-timey shows like Sense and Sensibility, Emma, Jane Eyre, Pride and Prejudice, etc. Our recent favorite has been Downton Abbey. All the houses in these shows have fancy names. So why not ours?  
Dandelion Manor is the nickname I gave our little house because our yard looked like this...
 Thankfully, the dandies have died down and our yard doesn't look so trashy anymore.

On this particular day at the Manor I was watching a friend's kids and we were having some fun. I found this idea for sidewalk paint on Pinterest from here. I love Pinterest! It's equal parts water and cornstarch with some food coloring. The kids had a blast with it!

Then they made me some bowls of delicious "soup". Mila kept saying, "This soup needs lots more weed. Let me find some more weed for our soup." She just meant more plants of course :)

They climbed trees. When Mila stepped down the few inches from the tree root to the ground she excitedly told me, "Mom, that was the highest I've ever been!"

Life at Dandelion Manor is good!
Read on to see all the stuff I've been too lazy to post about till now.


  1. I love the name. I hope we get to come see it in person some time :)

  2. I know how you feel about the dandilions. I love the chalk idea. I haven't joined pinterest yet but I should. Looks like a lot of fun.

  3. Ha ha... I love "Dandelion Manor!" And I wish that we were together to watch all those movies.

    I am gonna have to try those paints.
