Monday, January 31, 2011

Big News!

No, I am not pregnant ;) Sam has a new job, and we just moved to Ohio! It was pretty unexpected and so fast the way things happened. We came here for Christmas and the kids and I never went back to Utah. Sam went back for a week and a half to get our stuff. He got hired as a Facility Manager for a company called Eclipse Advantage. We are thrilled that he is starting out in a management position since he does not really have any corporate management experience. It's also exciting because this company is fairly new and growing like crazy. They work all over the US so there is definite room for growth, and we hope to eventually make our way back west. We will miss our family and friends and Utah so much (and the fact that people take care of their teeth), but we have a really good situation here, and we are excited to start this new chapter in our lives. We are so grateful for this blessing!


  1. We are so excited for you guys. HOpefully he can get it switched to not have to work on Sundays! I am glad that you finally found something, even if it wasn't working with Derick and you don't get to live by us! I am still pretty upset about that, by the way. I was looking forward to Lincoln and Emmitt in the splash park this spring/summer. :-)

    oh, and Emmitt is looking so big! He looks so different and is so cute! I miss him.

  2. Shut up!!!!! Where in Ohio? Can we come visit?!?!?!?!?!?!? I miss you!!! I was filling my stapler this morning...THE STAPLER...and I thought about you. Nate has "spring" break in a few weeks maybe we could meet up. HOORAY!!!

  3. When I saw the blog tittle the first thing that popped into my mind was. WHAT!! Pregnant so soon. Lol. Then I opened your blog and read;). I'm excited to have you guys back in Ohio.

  4. Dang! We never got around to hanging out. Congratulations on the job, though.
