Wednesday, March 23, 2011

My Silly Girl

 This little snowman was so cute! Sam and Mila built it. I wanted to get a picture of them together with their snowman, but Mila wouldn't get closer to the snowman than this. She's so funny sometimes.

 Terra sent her kids' old Ipods out to us and Mila has been loving it. There are some movies and cartoons on them and she will go get the Ipod, put on the giant, adult-size headphones, curl up on the couch, and enjoy. This particular picture made me laugh because of her hair.

 See! She loves it!

 We were eating some salad at lunch one day, and she lined up all her celery along the fork handle. I've never thought to do that.

A few days later, while snacking on some carrots, she decided to decorate the stuffed animal with them.

 I was getting in my bed one night and pulled back my blankets to find one of Mila's babies sleeping in my bed. Whenever she puts something down to sleep, it always sleeps face-down.

 Mila loves to play with and eat ANY type of dough--bread dough, cookie dough, pizza dough, salt dough, whatever. She also is obsessed with turning said dough into "snakes." There's a whole family here.

She saw Tori laying on the couch and wanted to do it too. The ottoman was a perfect fit. Another scrunchy-faced smile from my silly girl :)

 From the kitchen I saw that she had something on her face. But what?

Her cousin's upside-down glasses! Silly me. Of course you need someone else's upside-down glasses when watching a movie.

Just love the random smiles and laughs this girl brings to my life!

1 comment:

  1. Ok, I was laughing out loud the whole time I was reading this post!! Those pictures are so dang funny.
    Crazy Mila. I love the silly things that kids do. Lincoln is starting to do some and I love it.
