Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Just Playing

My parents have this awesome little playroom underneath the stairs that is just chock full of toys. Even with tons of fun toys to choose from, this was what Emmitt (who is 8 months today!) was most interested in...
...the texture on the wall! Go figure! You may as well not buy toys.

Mila eventually gave him a ball to play with that he found a little more interesting. I was getting a kick out of his fascination with the wall though.

Ouch! He got his finger pinched. A smile is never too far away though. Wait for it...

wait for it...

Ta Da! There it is again :) What a sweetie!

Mila was busy cooking up something special for me while wearing Brielle's sparkly shoes on the wrong feet. Mila wears these shoes more than Brielle!

Mila brought this plate over to me and said, "Here Mom, I made you chocolate ones." Huh, how'd she guess! :)
We had a really fun day today just playing together. The kids have been sick for a few days so the last couple days have been a little rough since they haven't been sleeping well at night, which means I haven't been either. They woke up a few times early in the night last night, but then they both slept for a solid 6 hour stretch. That made a huge difference in our day today. I hope they let me sleep tonight! 


  1. You are missing me b/c we are only 3 hours away from each other!!!!!!!! ;) We are going to Sandusky next week for spring break. We are going to that huge indoor water park. It will be so much fun to get together sometime in the near future. You guys are going to be in Ohio for a while, right?!?! j/k! :) Emmitt is such a happy guy. Linc and him will get along great. :)

  2. I love how they are interested in the silliest things.
    So cute that Mila brought you the play food and said that it was chocolate!

  3. lol!!!! you have some pretty cute kids!!! enjoy them at this stage--it flies fast!!!
