Thursday, September 23, 2010

Emmitt Dressed in His Sunday Best

Emmitt is the best baby at church! I can count on one hand the number of times Mila slept at all during church in her lifetime. It was always too distracting to her so she was always cranky and tired at church so consequently I spent most of my time in the hallway. Emmitt sleeps really well anywhere! He's usually asleep by the time we get to church, which since we're in Utah is only a couple of minutes, and he would sleep through all of sacrament if only Mila would let him. That girl is all over him ALL THE TIME! It is sweet but incredibly frustrating too. Anyways, Cheryl made him these sweet tie onesies, and they are so perfect because they are comfortable for him and obviously adorable :)

1 comment:

  1. I really wish I knew where the cover was for that lounger. That's so wierd...I would have kept it with the actual least I thought I would.
