Thursday, September 23, 2010

FHE in the Canyon

We went up American Fork Canyon for Family Home Evening one Monday night with Matt and Amber and their kids, and Marc, and Amber's sister Amy, who Mila happens to love. It's always fun cooking over a fire in the canyon and tasty too.
Mila roasting a marshmallow.

Mila is obsessed with picking up rocks, and she gathers rocks wherever we go. There is almost always a stash of rocks next to her car seat in the car. She also loves to play in water and splashes through and throws stuff in every puddle she possibly can. So this was so much fun for her. Not only did she get to pick up tons of rocks, but she got to throw them into the water and make a splash without me telling her to stop. She tries to do this wherever there is any water like parking lots, sidewalks, you name it.

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