Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Emmitt's 3rd Birthday!

Emmitt turned 3 on June 22! We had a wonderful day together!
The birthday boy!
 Sam took Emmitt frisbee golfing a couple of months ago. Naturally, it has been like the highlight of his life and he frequently brings it up. All week Emmitt had been talking about how Dad was going to take him "golping" so for his birthday we went mini golping. 
 Throwing a stone in the water. I caught him in the act!
 Mila did a victory dance every single time her ball went into the hole no matter how many putts it took. It was entertaining :)
 The place we went to had mini train rides so we did that too.
 During the ride. Emmitt was so happy! He loves trains!
They also had an ice cream stand so of course we had to enjoy that too. This beauty is called the "Train Wreck." Five scoops of ice cream, your choice of toppings and plenty of whipped cream and cherries. 
 Emmitt has been on a pirate kick for a while. I love it! In our family we often say in a piratey voice, "Aaarr, me pirate's booty!" and the kids think it's hilarious because we're saying the word "booty." Well I think Emmitt just laughs because Mila does. We don't really use the term booty. We prefer bum, but I digress.
His cake.
 We got home pretty late so I had Sam bathe the kids while I decorated the cake. That's why they are in jammies with wet, crazy hair.
Emmitt LOVES Curious George. I sometimes think Emmitt should have been named George since the two have so much in common. Being a literal monkey is not one of them. I don't believe in that kind of evolution :)
 At long last it made it to the $5 bin at Walmart!
 Out of everything he received, his favorite gift without a doubt was a basketball hoop. He talks about it constantly. And I mean constantly.
I love how Mila's leg is popped up. Mila is so girly.
We played until it was waaay too late. What a happy ending to a fun day!
Emmitt continues to be busy boy, but he is still very affectionate and gives lots of hugs and kisses. He is talking so much more, but he still mixes up some of the letter sounds which makes his speech so adorable. His favorite color is blue. He likes to get going right when he wakes up. He loves green smoothies and he drinks one with me every morning. The rest of the day he would be happy to eat only cereal (that's not what we do). He loves anything chocolate (which he rarely gets since it keeps him up at night). He has two favorite shirts: a blue one with a gray elephant on it, and a gray one with red and white baseball bats and a blue baseball. He always wants to be outside. Daddy is his favorite person in the whole world. He also talks about Papa and cousin Conlon all the time. He loves to carry things around in his pockets. He likes to have some sort of ball with him almost constantly. He loves to run and chase. But his very favorite thing to do of all is pester his big sister.
Last year.
This year.


  1. Awww...cute little Emmitt. He looks the same as last year, just with more hair. Ha ha.
    The cake turned out super cute!
