Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Fourth of July!

I love the Fourth of July! The more I learn about the founding of our country and those who worked tirelessly to make it happen, the more amazed I am at the miracle of it all. Those brave souls who took a leap of faith to claim the independence of the United States of America truly put everything on the line. There was no guarantee of success, and if they failed they would be traitors. Our country has a strong history, that continues today, of brave people willing to give their all for the safety and liberty of others. It certainly makes me proud of my country!

The Hobbys were kind enough to host us, the Pinegars, the Lloyds, and the Gundersons for the celebrations. It was fun to celebrate with the Hobbys because this was Amos's first Fourth of July as an American citizen. We had a fantastic cook out, watched the fireworks from the Bethlehem Steel Stacks, and talked the evening away. 
God Bless the USA!

1 comment:

  1. That picture of Sam and emmitt with the sparklers makes it look like Sam is missing a tooth. :)
