Friday, September 7, 2012

Mila's First Day of Preschool!

Today was a big day for me. I sent my first baby to preschool. It was a big day for Mila, too, since she was the one actually going to preschool for the first time. She has been so excited to go, and the countdown has been torturous for her. She packed up her backpack a few weeks ago in preparation and told me she was all ready to go and had everything she needed for school. The school asked us to bring a backpack with an extra change of clothes. When I got her bag out last night to put the extra clothes in, I found it full of toys. This morning when she saw the pile of toys on the floor, she was really mad at me for taking them out. We settled on allowing her to bring two toys in the bag.

I tried and tried to get a good picture of her, but the sun was shining in her face. This was the best one.
Okay, that's fine. We'll get one at the school. The school had a great spot with no sun. 
I barely snapped this one before she was headed inside.

Emmitt really wanted his picture as well. I was running after Mila while taking this one because she was headed into the school with the other kids and their parents. 

They had all the toys out to help the kids want to stay. Mila got started playing with the kitchen right away. I asked her if she was ready for us to leave. Without hesitation she said, "Yep!" Not a single tear from her. But I stood hidden around the corner watching my firstborn moving on to another step in life, and I couldn't help but shed a few. I'm glad to see her progressing, but I sometimes wish she was still that tiny bundle snuggled in my arms.

When I went to pick her up, she told me how much fun she had. When we were walking out the door she said, "Mom, can I go there every day!" This preschool also offers tumbling and dance classes before school, so she will start that next week, and she can't wait!
She looks so grown up to me in this picture. Mila, stop growing!
I'm glad her first day was a success!


  1. how cute! I loved having Ana in preschool last year!

  2. It is always hard to see them grow up. It just means they are on the path to independence--bitter sweet.

  3. I can't believe she's old enough for preschool! She's such a cutie! What school do you take her to? if you can't answer because of blogger...I totally understand haha
