Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The Past Week

We went to the zoo again. It's such a nice outing for me to do with the kids because it takes up pretty much the whole day, and we get home about the time Sam does. The Columbus zoo is big enough that even though we see our favorites every time, we rotate the other stuff so it's always is exciting to go. 

They have different metal animal sculptures all over the zoo, and Mila was on a quest to sit on every one she could find. These are just a few of them...

 Emmitt sharing his drink with the polar bear.
 Going in for a big one.

Lots of the animals were totally out!

There's a little play area that has words the kids can climb on.
I wanted to get a picture of Emmitt on the "e", and he got really mad at me. 

When we got home, the kids were playing in Emmitt's room with the door shut. I went to open it and felt some resistance. It was because they tried to stack all of the toys in his room against the door to keep mommy out!

On Saturday, we went to our ward's annual hog roast and had a really fun time. I made some chocolate chip cookies stuffed with Snickers for it that were incredible! It was really well done this year because they had games for the kids so it gave the adults some time to chat. Emmitt opens the church doors with ease, so I spent a lot of the time trying to keep him out of the parking lot. I lost track of him once and found him outside running across the drive that heads out to the street. Afterwards, we went to my parent's so Sam could help my dad put up a tile backsplash in their kitchen. Sweet Sam gave up a big portion of his weekend to that project.

It rained all weekend and while Sam and Papa were busy working in the kitchen, Mila and Emmitt were playing in the rain. Just so you know, you'll be seeing this outfit on Mila a lot. It's her favorite. Even though the shirt is getting too small.
 After playing for hours at the church and playing in the rain with Mila, poor Em was so tired! He barely finished his food before he fell asleep sitting at the counter.
 When he woke up, it was back outside to splash in the puddles on Papa's driveway.

 He was one incredibly happy boy!
 Daddy is so fun! Sam helped Emmitt do some rollerblading.
I always love when holidays are on Monday and there isn't the dread on Sunday night that Sam has to go to work in the morning. On Monday we went to my parent's to finish up the backsplash and have a cookout which we had to eat inside since it was raining still. A pleasant long weekend.