Monday, September 17, 2012

There Was a Little Girl...

There was a little girl, 
Who had a little curl,
Right in the middle of her forehead.
When she was good,
She was very good indeed,
But when she was bad she was horrid.
-Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

My mom has said that little poem ever since I can remember, and I just found out it was originally written by Longfellow. I just thought it was one of those things that people say.
I often think of that poem when I see Mila's little curls bouncing around on her forehead.
It is somewhat accurate, too, at times :)
Here is Mila holding her smoothie map.
We were at Target today (by the way, they had tons of t-shirts for $3!) and Mila asked for a smoothie. I told her we could make one at home after Em's nap. Being the persistent girl she is, she talked about the dang smoothie non-stop until we made it hours later! She even made a map during Emmitt's nap to aid me while making the smoothie once he woke up. She included yellow bananas, yogurt, a red bowl of ice, blue lights to keep the bananas warm?, and the blender at the end. Our smoothies were delicious!

Something really funny happened at Target today. As we were walking to the checkout, we saw these two homely, pre-teenish-age girls.  One of the girls had a bowl cut. Not to knock the bowl cut, I had one for many years myself (thanks, Dad), but they don't really scream girliness. Anyways, Mila says in a loud voice as we are right next to them, "Mom, are they girls?" Of course they heard her, everyone heard her. One of the girls said, "That was so rude! I can't believe she just said that!" She said more stuff that I couldn't hear because I was headed to the checkout as fast as I could go! I felt really bad! That's not a good age to hear those kind of comments. A fat comment when I was twelve affected my view of myself my entire teenage years. I was trying to explain to Mila that it wasn't a very nice thing to say, and she just said, "What? What did I say?" 

Poor Emmitt. Had a fever last night. Still has it today. Complaining when he eats (swallows). Has wanted to cuddle all day. I hope he doesn't have strep or another ear infection or whatever. Already had Dr.'s appointments scheduled for tomorrow, so I guess I'll find out. 


  1. 12Oh, Mila. It has been fun to see her personality and watch her grow up.

    Yes, Lincoln wants to go back to the beach too! So bad!

  2. Ooops, sorry about that 12 in front of Mila's name. That was supposed to be part of my little word verification.
