Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Mila's 3rd Birthday! (Part 2)

Mila's birthday is the 13th, which was Sunday, but we had her party on Saturday. Since Aunt Erin gave Mila so many presents, we had her open her presents from us on Sunday, her actual birthday. It was funny because on Sunday morning when she got up and I told her it was her birthday, she didn't believe me because of the big bash she had the day before! Basically she just opened more presents, and we had some more of the massive cake. It was fun to prolong the celebration a little more.
Mila was quite ready for more presents.

She got this shirt from her cousins the day before.

Showing off her new stuff. She has totally loved the new tea set. It makes a pouring sound when you tip it over to "pour." I've actually had a number of tasty cups of invisible hot chocolate today. I'm sure there will be more to come :)

       Every birthday of Mila's feels a little bittersweet to me. I love watching her grow and learn new things, but I also lament that my baby is growing up and will someday not be my little girl anymore. I do have high hopes for this new year of her life though. I'm hoping that perhaps she will exit the terrible two's. I was hoping she would wake up on her third birthday, and they would be over! Alas, I was not that lucky. She is just a very stubborn and determined girl. Although these traits can be very useful in life, I have yet to find a good outlet for them at present.
      She really is a funny girl though. We were driving in the car this summer and suddenly she said, "Mom, do you like animals?" I said, "Yes, I do like animals. Do you like animals?" Mila: "Yeah, I like animals." Then she said, "Mom, do you like zebras?" Me: "Yes, I like zebras. Do you like zebras?" Mila: "I like zebras." We had this exact same conversation concerning every animal she could think of.
      One Sunday Sam was watching a game and Mila asked him to play with her, and he told her he would in a minute. So she held up her arms like she was holding something and said, "You want me to hold you? I'll hold you."
      She is a wonderful helper and loves to help me cook, set the table, do laundry, and just about anything else but clean up toys ;) She is also a huge help with Emmitt, and she often entertains him so I can get things done. She can get him laughing like no one else can.
Here's to you, Mila. You definitely bring adventure, laughter, and love to our lives. I'm glad you're mine!


  1. Silly Mila! I will never forget when she kept telling me over and over, "I like animals too!" and she would name every animal that was on Lincoln's high chair.
    What a fun little party! And I love the game ideas. I will have to remember those for the future. I wish we could have been there to celebrate! And I wish you guys could be here for Lincoln's bday next week!
    Miss you guys!

  2. Thanks for the posts. Mila is getting so big. Her cake looms awesome. You did a great job for a first timer. Also I have to give all credit to Misty for the art project. But thx;) so glad you guys enjoyed the ice storm:$)
