Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Life With Emmitt, Part 3

Here's what I call an Emmitt Dilemma: How do you potty train a boy who still thinks the toilet is a  toy and a water source?

He is interested in sitting on the potty, and he thinks it is really fun.

A few days after the above picture, Emmitt was trying to fill up his watering can in the sink. I'm guessing he wasn't getting enough water that way, so he dipped it in the toilet to fill it up. Then poured it all over the floor. I had just washed the floor mats the day before.
On the one hand, I was really not happy, but at least he's a good problem solver :)

1 comment:

  1. lol!!!! Gotta love boys!!! That's what they do! When Devon was 2 (6 now)he clogged our sink in the bathroom with toilet paper and left the water running. When I finally got out of bed with Anthony, I came downstairs to an inch of water from the bathroom going to the front door and Kitchen. Three hours later, every towel in our house was used and doors were left open to air out carpets. It is a morning I will never forget!
